Monday, February 1, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

Can it be Monday already? This has been a hard week for our family. My two-year-old has been running a scary high fever for days and no one seems to know what is causing it. All we can do is treat the fever and wait for new symptoms to reveal what this is, or for her to feel better. I'm hoping for the latter.

I have some food related posts floating around in my head, but no time to get them "down on paper." Hopefully this week will be a little less stressful.

Menu for this week:
  • Wednesday -- Red Thai Curry
  • Thursday -- Chicken Enchiladas
  • Friday -- Bee Rocks with veggies or salad - This new recipe is a roll over from last week.
  • Saturday -- Teriyaki Chicken and Rice

  • Sunday -- Beef Roast in crock pot
Check out more menu plan's at Organizing Junkie.

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

Ruby said...

I hope your little one is better very soon.
My little grandsons had some high temps but related to a virus with sore/ swollen throat and glands and both better now.