I am taking a week off from menu planning this week. My husband is out of town all week and my kids don't appreciate (and rarely eat) anything I make for dinner anyway. I'll spend a week eating leftovers and peanut butter sandwiches, and making the kids whatever they will eat (pasta and veggies). The kids will still have their "new" foods to try, though.
For Meal Plan Monday this week, I'm going to finally publish a few my own original recipes that I have made in the last few weeks --
Chinese Chicken & Cabbage, Meatloaf, and Chicken Enchiladas (scroll down).
Last week, we were fairly successful with the broccoli, but my son still hated anything with bread. I'm going to try again next week with toast instead. Hopefully that will eliminate some the of "squishyness" that my son dislikes.
New "kid" foods:
Family Favorite Recipes:Chinese Chicken & Cabbage
This is my variation of a family recipe from my aunt.
1 small head of cabbage, chopped in about 1 inch square pieces.
1 package Top Ramen noodles
3 chopped green onions
2 small chicken breasts
1 can crunchy rice noodles (or chow mein noodles)
2 tsp sesame seeds (optional)
1/3 c. olive oil
1/3 c. balsamic vinegar
1 packet seasoning from Top Ramen
Salt & pepper to taste
Slice and cook chicken. Set aside.
Boil Top Ramen in water for 3 minutes. Drain. Set aside.
Heat rice noodles in oven (follow directions on can).
Stir fry cabbage in some olive oil until lightly browned. Add small amount of water. Cover and cook to desired texture (I like to leave it slightly crunchy).
Mix olive oil, vinegar, seasoning packet.
Add chicken and noodles to the cabbage. Mix.
Pour olive oil & vinegar dressing over the cabbage. Stir until well distributed.
Top with green onions, rice noodles and sesame seeds.
Meatloaf I have been playing with this recipe for years (and am still experimenting).
This is the variation I made last week that my husband really liked.
1/2 pound lean ground beef
1 pound lean chicken sausage
1 can tomato paste
1 egg
1 package Stovetop stuffing
1 packet meatloaf seasonings
Heat oven to 350.
Mix raw meat together.
Add tomato paste and egg. Mix well.
Add stovetop stuffing mix and seasoning packet. Mix well.
Fill loaf pan. Cook in oven for 60 to 70 minutes.
To cut cooking time down to 35 to 45 minutes, you can make a ring on a cookie sheet instead. Or you can cook in muffin tins for 20 to 25 minutes.
Chicken EnchiladasThis recipe was inspired by my college roommates from my senior year.
Prep time is normally about 45 minutes, but this is one of my husband's favorites, so it is worth it.
1 large chicken breast
1 box Spanish rice mix (Rice-a-Roni)
1 can petite diced tomatoes (used in Spanish rice)
1 cup cilantro, chopped
2 cans enchilada sauce
12 slices cheddar
12 slices mozzerella
6 burrito-size, soft tortillas
Make spanish rice according to package directions.
Boil chicken breast and shred. Lightly salt & pepper for taste.
Lightly grease cake pan.
Place 6 tortillas in pan, side by side in U-shape (like they would be shaped if they were crunchy taco shells).
Fill tortillas with ingredients. I use the following order:
- Spanish rice on the bottom (you will only use about half the rice)
- 2 cheddar cheese slices per tortilla
- Shredded chicken breast (evenly distribute between tortillas)
- Cilantro (use as much or little as you like)
- Pour 1 can of enchilada sauce over ingredients, distributing it evening over all the enchiladas.
Fold tortillas over, one at a time, and roll to the side to hold them closed.
Place 2 mozzarella slices on top of each enchilada.
Pour 1 can of enchilada sauce over the enchiladas.
Bake at 350 for 15 to 20 minutes, or until heated through and cheese is lightly browned on top.
Check out other menu plan's at
Happy Monday!