Sunday, May 17, 2009

Let Him Lead Your Heart

Create in Me a Clean Heart - Week 19
~ This weekly devotional can be found on Facebook; the group is called "A Clean Heart." ~

"A man’s heart plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps."
Proverbs 16:9

These last few weeks my head has been spinning with all the planning required for our probable move to Scotland this fall. But our plans are really not set yet, and the options and possibilities keep changing.

I have found myself getting my heart set on certain options, instead of seeking God's will and waiting on him to direct my steps. Then, I feel impatient or frustrated when things change.

I become like a child, wanting my own way; sometimes I even throw my own temper tantrums. But, as my loving Father, God gently reminds me to calm down and allow him to direct my steps (hopefully I listen to the still, small voice, and don't end up needing further correction). Even as I direct my children to keep them safe and to help them learn and grow, God faithfully directs my steps.

I admit that too often I want my own way; I make my own plans; and I have stubbornly done my own thing, without seeking your will. Soften my heart to listen to you and wait for you to direct my steps. Lead me in the way I should go. Give me your wisdom and stir me to obey you, knowing that your way is the best way, the only way.

Thank you for loving me, as you child, and disciplining me when I stray. Teach me and help me to grow into the person you want me to be.
In Jesus Name,

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